Where Can You Get A Free Credit Score or Report?

South Africans are entitled to a free copy of their credit record every year. This is under the National Credit Act of 2007 credit bureaus are obligated to provide you with one free credit report each year.
Make use of this service by visiting the three major credit bureaus TransUnion, Compuscan and XDS.
Also your credit rating is only but a few clicks away as you can access and check your crediting rate online. There’s ClearScore where you just have to sign up for an account and fill in a survey, and then you can access your credit score and report (as provided by Experian) at any time.
Once you have an account, you can always go back and sign in to check your credit rating. You can even sign up for a service which sends you a monthly sms with your summarised credit report details from any of the previously mentioned credit bureaus.
Check your credit score regularly. Fewer South African consumers make use of the legislation which entitles them to obtain their credit report free of charge from every credit bureau every year. Many people only check their credit reports when it is too late for example after the credit they applied for in order to buy a house or a car has been turned down.
Regular examination of one’s credit report will enable consumers to check that all the information in it is accurate. Sometimes there could be errors or areas of dispute. These disputes could include an error in name or address or an inaccurate reflection of payments made.
A regular examination of one’s credit report could also provide timely warning to consumers that they might have been the victim of identity theft with the identity thieves running up enormous debt in their name.