Where to Get an Ethereum Online Wallet

Where to Get an Ethereum Online Wallet


Ethereum is a cryptocurrency platform that has a smaller user base than Bitcoin. It is a software project initially developed in early 2014 by a Swiss company, runs on a decentralised network. The Ethereum network is kept running by computers all over the world.

It is an open-source, public blockchain-based computing platform featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality. It provides a cryptocurrency token called “ether.” Its applications run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. Ether is a fuel operating the distributed application platform Ethereum.

Where to get an Ethereum online wallet:

Ethereum Wallet

This is a desktop ethereum wallet and makes it easy to accept Bitcoin and other payments directly to your Ethereum Wallet as ether.

Convenient and easy to use, it provides immense protection for you and your cryptocurrency.


This is an ethereum browser capable of acting like a standard means of storing ETH and interacting with Smart Contracts.

It is also integrated with Shape Shift, which enables the fast exchange of ether for bitcoin and vice versa.


Coinbase is a wallet that is simple to set up and is very easy to use. It also holds the private key of the wallet for you. Coinbase is one of the most popular wallet apps in the world. You generally need to fill in your details and submit your ID for additional verification.

Pay the amount by using your credit card.

Enter your own Ethereum address.

Once you’ve purchased your ether, make sure that you move them into your ether wallet immediately.


Exodus is a desktop option for an ethereum online wallet that allows for increased control. It’s an independent wallet that stores the private key on your machine. Using this ethereum online wallet allows you to accept ethereum, bitcoin, Dash, Dogecoin and Litecoin.

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