Tax Refund Calculator South Africa for 2016

Tax Refund Calculator South Africa for 2016


The Tax Refund calculator South Africa for 2016 works out how much your tax refund will be when you submit your return to the South African Revenue Services (SARS.)

Who has to file a tax return?

If your total annual salary before tax is R350 000 or less, there is no need to file a return, providing that

You only have one employer.

You have no car allowance.

You have no other income (such as rent).

You are not claiming deductions: medical aid; retirement annuity; travel expenses.

You have not had dividends paid to you and were not a non-resident during the 2015 year of assessment.

Using this calculator can be a simple way to work out how much you can expect to be refunded if you qualify for a refund.

How the Tax Refund Calculator South Africa for 2016 works

You need to start by entering your age

  • Under 65
  • Between 65-75
  • Older than 75

Do you have an IRP5 from your employer?

Did you make any other income?

Enter amounts

  • Pension Fund (Amount per year or month)
  • Retirement Annuity Fund

(Show proof if you paid these yourself)

Did you donate to a PBO?

Did you contribute toward a medical aid?

Did you use any personal equipment (assets) for work purposes?

Did you have any out of pocket medical expenses?

The South African Revenue Services (SARS) strives to collect taxes from South Africans in the most efficient way and to contribute towards making this process as easy and convenient as possible.

While it may be true that most people don’t like the fact that they have to pay taxes, the reality is that tax revenue is used to maintain a number of systems in the country. Road infrastructure, the building of clinics, etc is made possible through the collection of taxes by SARS.

This calculator is handy for budgeting purposes and can be helpful for giving you an idea of how how you can expect.


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