6 month Cash Advance Loans

6 month Cash Advance Loans


Do you have an urgent medical bill to pay? Or has your car broken down yet again, leaving you with a large repair bill? Maybe you need a cash boost to be able to pay for your rent for the month. A 6 month cash advance loan may just be what you need. 

Letsatsi Finance:

Letsatsi Finance is a micro lending institution that promises to provide “short-term loans made quick and easy”. Loan amounts of between R500 and R8000 are offered.

By choosing Letsatsi Finance you will have the benefit of being able to choose between 2 and 6 months to pay.

What do you need to apply?

  • Valid South African ID
  • Latest 2 months’ payslip
  • Latest 3 months’ bank statements

This lender strives to provide approval within 1 hour as well as a same day pay-out. This will enable you to use it meet short term needs such as paying for education, medical bills, repairs, unexpected expenses or even a well-deserved family vacation.

To contact Letsatsi Finance, call: 011 802 4073 or send an email to: info@letsatsifinance.co.za

Visit their website here: www.letsatsifinance.co.za


Capfin is a company that offers technologically-driven, cost-effective and accessible financial services products and solutions to South Africans. As a registered credit provider, the institution is committed to responsible lending.

If you are looking for a 6 month cash advance loan, Capfin may have a solution that can be tailored to meet your individual needs.

Personal loans of up to R20 000 are offered, with a 6 month repayment term. This solution offers clients a number of benefits, such as better opening hours, shorter queues and friendly service.

To apply, you can simply visit any of the 2500 Pep or Ackermans stores nationwide. Head to a till point in-store and get your valid South African ID and latest proof of income scanned.

Call Capfin on: 087 354 0000

Visit their website here: www.capfin.co.za

Categories: Loans

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