Absa Personal Loans Contact Number

Absa Personal Loans Contact Number


Absa Personal Loans are flexible financial solutions designed to create simple ways for individuals to meet their financial needs. The loans are ideal for paying for education costs, for home renovations or for car repairs.  

Offered from R3000 to a maximum of R350 000, Absa Personal Loans are quality solutions for those looking to get extra cash in their pockets.

Applying for Absa Personal Loans is simple. It can be done online or in-branch.

Benefits offered by Absa Personal Loans:

Repayment terms are flexible and individuals are offered up to 84 months.

Absa is a registered credit provider and an exemplary banking institution with extensive experience in the financial industry. The bank ensures that all of its operations are transparent and ethical. Clients are informed upfront of all the responsibilities of the loan agreement.

The bank will only lend to individuals who can afford to make repayments. In addition, clients have the ability to pay the loan off faster, as there are no penalties charged for early settlement of the loan.

An affordable credit protection plan is offered. This covers events such as death, permanent disability or dread disease.

Easy approval if you require additional funds.

There is no collateral required for the loan, as the loans are unsecured. Approval is based on individual affordability and risk profiles.

Applications are quick and easy. You can choose to apply at your nearest Absa branch or you could simply visit the Absa website and click on the “Apply Now” button.

To apply, you’ll need to provide proof of identity, proof of residence as well as proof of earnings.

If you need any help at any point throughout the loan process, you can use the Absa Personal Loans Contact Number to get help from a friendly consultant.

Absa Personal Loans Contact Number: 0860 100 372

Visit www.absa.co.za




Categories: Loans

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