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Tips on How to Protect your Business Against Data Breaches

Data breach can be described as the intentional or unintentional release of secure information to an untrusted environment.This can also be defined as a security incident in which sensitive, protected



South Africa is a popular tourist destination and the industry accounts for a substantial amount of the countrys revenue.This sector attracts thousands of visitors locally and from abroad who seek


Prestige Financial Services

Prestige Financial Services is a leading institution offering financial assistance to all South Africans in need of an extra boost of cash. 


Discovery Car Insurance – Real Value for Your Car Cover Needs

Since establishment two decades ago, Discovery has had a goal of making people healthier as well as enhancing and protecting their lives. This client-centric approach has seen them deliver real


How Charities can Engage with Long Term Donors

Raising awareness about a charity cause is not always easy. Getting a break-through by getting donations is always encouraging. The challenge for many organisations lies in keeping donors of short-term


Google Supports Africa Teen Geeks

Google has selected Africa Teen Geeks as one of the various international charities to support in 2015. The non-profit organisation specialises in initiating web developing skills into South African school


Frank.Net Insurance – Leading Insurance Solutions

Frank.Net is a trusted insurance provider, which offers a range of products to clients in need of insurance solutions. Frank.Net is an authorised financial services provider that is booked by


Dryk Financial Services- Meeting Accounting and Tax Needs

Tax consulting and accounting services are a necessity for companies as well as individual South Africans. Often individuals seek an institution which can cater to an array of financial needs.


Nedbank Credit Cards – Affordable and Convenient Tailored Solutions

Nedbank is one of the premier banking institutions in South Africa. Its product and services range is broad and accommodates specific client needs. The need for finance in the form


Lombard Insurance- Quality Specialist Insurance

When you’re looking to insure your belongings, property and other assets, the last thing you have in mind is a stressful process. Lombard Insurance is an institution that has significantly