King Cash Loans
King Cash Loans is a financial institution that has been in business for the past 60 years. With this much extensive experience in the financial industry, it’s no wonder the institution has become known as a trusted lender with a reliable reputation in the finance and loans market.
King Cash Loans understands that individual needs are unique and strives to promote responsible lending.
What can you get from King Cash Loans?
- Loans are provided from R2000 to R15 000. Repayment periods range from 1 to 18 months.
- What are the benefits of choosing King Cash Loans?
- The loans are easily accessible and reliable
- There are no face-to-face interviews or unnecessary paperwork
- Loans are processed from 8am to 5pm daily
- King Cash Loans ensures that clients receive free monthly statements which included detailed transaction history
- King Cash Loans is compliant with regulations set by the National Credit Act
- Loans are unsecured, so there is no collateral required as surety for the loans
A Personal Protection Plan is included, which settles the outstanding loan balance in the event of your death or permanent disability
What are the qualifying criteria?
- Have your own valid bank account
- Have a valid South African I.D.
- Be permanently employed
- Provide your latest payslip
What are loan repayments dependent on?
- Your credibility
- Your Total loan amount
- The repayment term
As an authorised financial services provider, King Cash Loans ensures that loans are granted to individuals once a thorough affordability assessment has been conducted. The institution continues to excel by providing loans with consideration towards individual needs. Individual credibility is a considerable factor in deciding whether or not to grant loans. In addition, repayment terms are reasonable, giving clients enough time to repay the loan in full.
Contact King Cash Loans here: 0800 113 637
Visit the King Cash Loans website here: