Maravedi Loans
Maravedi Loans are short, medium and long term solutions for individuals who are in need of some extra finance. If you are facing a challenging month financially, it may be worthwhile considering a personal loan from Maravedi Loans. These loans may be useful for helping you pay for residential property, for your child’s school fees or even an outstanding medical bill.
How much finance is available from Maravedi Loans?
Clients are able to qualify for loans of between R1000 and R15 000, depending on individual income and credit history.
In addition, loans of up to R50 000 are available for education funds. Maravedi realises the importance of furthering one’s education. These loans are made available to students who are in need of assistance with achieving their educational aspirations.
Various repayment plans are offered but generally range between 3 and 24 months.
Loans are flexible and a variable interest rate is charged. This gives clients the ability of benefitting from lower interest rates when the rate becomes lower. A simple, hassle-free application is facilitated online, which saves clients some valuable time. Clients can also complete the application process telephonically.
What is required for application?
- Be 18 years or older
- Provide a valid South African I.D.
- Provide 2 months’ payslips
- Have an active South African bank account with debit order facilities
- Provide proof of residence
- You need to earn a minimum salary of R2500 per month
- You need to have been employed for a minimum of 3 months
An authorised financial services provider, Maravedi Loans provides finance to individuals with favourable credit records. The institution strives to provide finance to individuals who are able to afford loans, without over-indebting them.
To contact Maravedi Loans, call: 0860 222 765 or 011 990 4000. An experienced Maravedi consultant will guide you through the entire application process.