Santam Insurance – Personalized Short Term Insurance Offerings

Santam Insurance –  Personalized Short Term Insurance Offerings


Santam is a respected financial services provider offering a range of products and services to meet the financial needs of thousands of clients nationwide. This financial services group is regarded as South Africa’s largest short-term insurer and was originally established in March 1918. Personal Insurance offerings include vehicle insurance, house contents cover, comprehensive insurance for private property, personal all risk insurance (items such as audio-visual equipment, jewellery , bicycles) watercraft cover as well as optional cover such as legal costs.

Santam’s commercial insurance offering covers the likes of businesses, guesthouses, dental practitioners, medical practitioners and the tourism and leisure industry.

Specialist Insurance includes Aviation or marine underwriting or even professional protection against construction.

Agricultural business insurance offered by Santam has earned the entity a reputation of being the best risk managers in the farming business.

Vehicle cover offered by Santam extends to all vehicle types, whether it’s a motorcycle, a truck, a trailer or a sports car. This cover has a number of benefits such as recovery costs, emerging accommodation, medical expenses for you or your family. Insurance is competitively- priced and is also offered for 4×4 vehicles. Available in 14 African countries, including Angola, Rwanda and Tanzania, insurance amounts range from R50 000 up to R5 million.

House contents Insurance goes the extra mile by covering medical expenses of guests and those of domestic employees. Trauma treatment is also provided while additional optional cover for your home in the event of accidental damage to your valuable items.

Comprehensive insurance on buildings is offered by Santam- even on homes affected by subsidence or landslip or heave (which is the upward, downward, sideways movement of the ground on which your property is built.)

Contact Santam by calling: 0860 444 444 or emailing:

Categories: General

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