This is how to get the Best Funeral Cover for Extended Family

This is how to get the Best Funeral Cover for Extended Family


Life can be unpredictable. This is why it’s important to plan ahead- even for the grim realities of life, like funerals.

The best way to plan ahead for a funeral is by getting a form of funeral cover. In South African there are numerous financial institutions that offer competitive funeral plans. Some of these plans are for individuals while others offer funeral cover for extended family.

The definition of “extended family” may differ for each person, but it generally refers to aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and in-laws.

Getting funeral cover for extended family may help give all your loved ones some financial security.

Tell me more about ways to get the best funeral cover for extended family?

The loss of a loved one can become a financial burden if you aren’t well-prepared for such an eventuality.

As a starting point, you need to make sure that you compare at least 5 different insurance providers.

Price is important, but this shouldn’t be the only factor that you consider. You need to consider the number of extended family members you want to cover and make sure that the cover you get meets the needs of covering each member you choose. This type of funeral cover pays out a pre-determined amount of money of certain members of your family die.

Keep in mind that great funeral cover will cover more than just your funeral expenses.

The standard features of the best funeral cover for extended family cover include no waiting period in the event of an accidental death and double pay-out in the event of accidental death of a main member.

The pay-out should be made in within 48 hours of receiving all necessary documentation. The payment time does however depend on you funeral cover for extended family policy conditions.

Exclusions generally include suicide, war, terrorism activity, rebellion, riot, civil unrest, a nuclear event, biological or chemical warfare.

Categories: Loans

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