Best Loan Providers in the North West Province
The harsh economic conditions many South Africans find themselves living in continue to make it difficult to make ends meet in many instances. For many people this means having to borrow money, either from family and friends or from a financial institution.
Some of the best loan providers in the North West Province specialise in providing convenient and competitive loan solutions.
Atlas Finance
This lender seeks to provide financial assistance to all South Africans in an ethical and legitimate way. Founded over 20 years ago, Atlas Finance has a branch in Orkney, in the North West.
Since inception in 1994, Atlas Finance has provided financial assistance to over 2 million people.
Atlas Finance now has over 170 branches nationwide. At these branches individuals are able to gain access to personal loans which can be useful for getting some home renovations done, settling a costly medical bill or even paying for wedding costs.
The institution offers personal loans of up to R8000 which may be ideal for meeting some financial needs and goals. With a repayment period of between one and six months, Atlas Finance creates flexible options for its clients as it understands their needs.
Contact Atlas Finance by calling 018 473 4899
North West Development Corporation
The North West Development Corporation is a dedicated small business development unit that supports small business.
Something that hasn’t changed in the small business sphere is that funding has always been one of the biggest challenges in South Africa’s start-up space.
One of the challenges is that some entrepreneurs are not aware of the numerous funding models available.
This institution is one of the best loan providers in the North West Province and specialises in providing competitive small business loans.
Contact the North West Development Corporation by calling: 018 381 3667