Rainbow Cash Loan

Rainbow Cash Loan


Convenient cash is generally the principle behind the establishment of microlending institutions. Convenient cash also stands as the deciding factor for those seeking finance. With access to microfinance, people can earn more and better protect themselves against unexpected losses and setbacks.

With the ability to collateralise their assets, individuals and families can move beyond day to day survival, towards planning their future.That means they can invest in better nutrition, housing, health and education for their children.They can create productive businesses and recover quickly in the aftermath of natural disasters. In short, they can take real strides towards breaking the vicious cycle of poverty and vulnerability. One business entity spearheading these efforts is Rainbow Cash Loans.

Rainbow signifies unity in multiculturalism as well as the profound diversity of races, tribes, creeds and economic class.This firm always aims to live up to its name by accommodating the diversity of South Africa’s people and positioning itself as one of the leading micro lenders in South Africa.

Products and services from this fast growing microlender provide financial solutions that not only suit the problems of their clients but also their pockets.These loans have been created to help individuals to take care of their expected and unexpected financial commitments such as education fees, medical bills, home renovations, vehicle maintenance costs, etc. Repayments run from 1 month to 12 months.The loans are also offered with low interest which means that they are guaranteed to be paid out quickly and conveniently.

The qualification requirements for Rainbow cash loans are a South African ID, valid proof of residence, latest payslip and bank statement.You should also have a bank account where your income is deposited and where debit orders can be run. These loans are also subject to an affordability assessment as per the National Credit Act.

Rainbow Cash Loans can be contacted on 0723693003


Categories: Loans

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